Registering a patent or trademark internationally

Your need when registering a patent or trademark abroad…

You may wish to register a patent or trademark to give you the right to use it internationally. You may want to secure the ability to take legal action against competitors with a similar mark, or you may wish to protect an idea or invention.

How we can help with international trademark registrations…

When applying to register a patent or trademark internationally, you may need a notary public to confirm you have the capacity and authority to do so.

Foreign officials will also need to be satisfied that your identity is genuine and that you are permitted to sign documentation on the behalf of the company or business making the application. Our notary public can verify your ID and status and provide any certification necessary.

Trust our experienced notary public…

As a member of The Notaries Society, our notary public has the skills and expertise to assist with your application to register a patent or trademark internationally in any jurisdiction.

We can progress matters in a manner convenient to you and can often arrange appointments at short notice and outside normal business hours.

Contact us now

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If you would like to speak to our Notary Public please contact 0113 232 1030 or complete the following form:

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